Yeah, yeah - I'm a couple of months late on this one *blush*
This months beer of the month is Creemore Springs Kellerbier, much like Greg Clow over at tasteTO it's also only my second Kellerbier...
I was sorry to miss the launch party at Victory Cafe a little while ago, so I was very glad to grab a 6 pack from the LCBO today..
Here's my notes and scores
Appearance: Pinkish orange with a small off white head and good visible carbonation. Aroma: Slight perfume, some grassy hops, malt, some light lemon peel and grain. Flavour: Initially malt, nice grassy hops (as opposed to the grassy hops that I personally dislike) a good creaminess to the body with a sweet hop finish, the more I’m drinking it - the better it’s getting. Good work Creemore, a solid brew. Oh - refreshing too!
Aroma 7/10
Appearance: 4/5
Flavour: 7/10
Palate: 4/5
Overall: 17/20
Total score: 3.9 out of a possible 5
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