More to come, don't you worry
What makes a pub 'a local'? And indeed, what makes you 'a local'?
For me, a local pub is a resting place, a fortress of solitude, a celebration place, a meeting place, a happy place and a sad place all rolled into one. Indeed like 'Cheers' it's a place where everybody knows your name.
I like the fact you can walk into a local, nod at the barman (who you are on a first name basis with) and be served your usual drink with minimum fuss. I enjoy how there is no dress code, no pretence and very few limits imposed on you that may be forced upon a new comer. For instance, I have enjoyed the luxury of bringing a sandwich or a kebab into the bar from the shop or fast food joint on the corner, a highly taboo subject for even the most relaxed of bars and it wouldn't be unheard of me to doze quietly in the corner after a marathon drinking session. In fact, I have witnessed behaviour that would get the Pope thrown out of the pub that is tolerated by staff and locals in a local pub. But why? I suppose the economists would say that a local patron over their lifetime will put many thousands of Euros over the counter and the odd behavioural blemish now and then is acceptable in order to keep a steady income, but I think it is more deep rooted than that.
The locals in a pub are a family, and like all families they have their ups and downs and their falling outs, but ultimately, Guinness is thicker than water and it sorts itself out. People mourn the loss of a regular and delight in each others success's; at the births of children, communions, confirmations and weddings or a winning bet. It is a self contained community with a subtle yet clearly defined hierarchy, usually dictated by seniority but sometimes by sporting knowledge or musical ability.
The local is somewhere to turn in times of need, whether it be financial or you are simply looking for some lads to help you weed your garden, you can be sure someone in your local will give you a dig out (excuse the pun)! It is a home away from home, somewhere to escape to when the world outside gets too much, somewhere to hide from the pressures of life.
Somewhere to enjoy.
If there is a heaven, and God truely loves us, then I know my heaven will be sitting at the end of the bar in my local, a pint in my hand, a smile on my face, surrounded by family and friends with nothing but laughter and song and of course; eternal craic.
125 John Street Toronto, Ontario Canada (416) 591-2221
What a spot! Last night, whilst wandering the streets of Toronto, I stumbled upon this gem of a pub. No fancy signs, no lights. Squirrelled away in the basement of a building, just around the corner from cinemas, restaurants & trendy cafes and bars. This is not the easiest place to find, but when and if you do find it, you won't be sorry.
Upon entering the bar, I found it to be wall to wall with people, the barman came straight from behind the bar and over to me to say hello and to inform me that they were at capacity, but my second stroke of luck of the evening happened, as just then; a gaggle of afterwork girls put their jackets on and left, leaving me with a prime seat at the bar.
The bar itself was a mix-match of signs and knick knacks, chalk boards fill the walls with lists of their latest available bottles and beers on tap. A worn but impressive beer menu is also available to peruse. Smaller chalk boards advertise the type of oysters available and the prices.
Proper glassware for the beers is certainly adhered to in Smokeless Joe's and the barman was happy to shoot the breeze with me despite the place heaving with customers. A quick trip to the bathroom confirmed that they were spotless, a very welcome bonus as I have found many Toronto bars toilets to be substandard.
This bar oozes character and history, it was warm and inviting, buzzing but not 'shout over the crowd' noisy, I enjoyed a very enjoyable hour here and am looking forward to darkening their doorstep for a long time to come.